Read more about each project by clicking the images below.

Foragers of a Modern Countryside: Honey Bees, Environmental Change, and Beekeeper Advocacy in the Great Lakes Region
Under contract with the University of Washington Press, Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books Series. An environmental history of beekeeping in an area that was once the continental heartland of beekeeping practice, communication, and scientific advancement, this book examines the effects of a multiplicity of factors, including changing agricultural practices, persistent threats to honeybee health and the emergence of new revenue sources such as pollination contracts, upon honeybees and their keepers.

Changing the Narrative: Connecting Indigenous and Settler Histories at Black Creek Pioneer Village
This collaborative project documents the interconnected human and environmental histories of Indigenous and settler peoples in northwestern York/Toronto in order to inform the development of a permanent exhibition and related programming on intersections between Indigenous and settler histories at Black Creek Pioneer Village.